We’re physical distancing now. If we’re the cool kids. We can still be social. Just not physical. Virtual socialling is encouraged.
I wake up at around 3am to learn that, despite the advice-the-BI*-gave-that-no-one-is-really-listening-to-so-I-am-not-sure-why-he-thought-they-would-now, everyone took themselves down the pub for once last end of the world party.
The only thing that makes my walk to work less depressing is the fact that as I set off at 5am, it is starting to get light. The streets seem quite empty. It is 5am on a Saturday.
Work sucks.
I give my desk the mandatory wipe down and skim the numerous mainly Coronavirus related emails I have amassed in just four days away. A questionnaire has been compiled on underlying health conditions (who are you, do you have an underlying health condition, can we have this yesterday, thanks) that may make you more vulnerable to the virus. I fill it in. There appears to be conflicting advice on what to do about we less serious underlying conditioners.
As if to prove a point, the cough that had vanished for the last two days returns with vigour and pep, and I have three mini asthma attacks during the day. The NHS 111 online advice suggests I ring 999 immediately. This seems a little over enthusiastic given the current climate, so I cough into my tissue, puff on my inhaler and wash my hands whilst singing the chorus to Mr. Brightside.
Outside people are forming lines for blocks to buy the limited supermarket supplies and supermarkets respond by introducing time slots for the elderly and those that work in the NHS or care sector.
I’d had vague visions of getting back to running home from work today, however, my chest very much disagreed, and Mr. C came to collect me. The drive home is busy. Everyone piling into their cars for the totally essential trips to the supermarket to clear what’s left on the shelves.
The evening is spent eating leftovers and creeping slowly towards, ironically,A Crisis on Infinite Earths. Yes, we are months behind.
The number of COVID-19 in UK leaps by 1,035 to a total of 5,018. The Earth is definitely doomed.
The Killers save the day, by performing their new single from Brandon’s bathroom on Jimmy Kimmel’s Quarantine Minilogue.
*Bimbling Idiot at Number 10